Saturday, November 7, 2009


- The discovery of gold in the Klondike brings gold-seekers to Victoria

- New parliament buildings - not yet opened - illuminated in honour of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee

- Victoria & Sidney Railway service inaugurated

- Crowded streetcar crashes through Point Ellice Bridge into Selkirk Water - 55 lives lost


- Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway built by Robert Dunsmuir

- Door-to-door mail delivery, electric street lights and streetcars come to Victoria

- Indian Act makes potlatching illegal


- British Columbia will become the 6th Province to join Confederation, much to the dismay of many who feel it should have joined the United States

- Commerical sealing commences out of Victoria

- Victorians are horrified to learn that the transcontinental railway will not, after all, cross to the island

- The first telephone in British Columbia will ring in Victoria


- Victoria is incorporated as a city

- Vancouver Island and mainland colonies united to form one colony called British Columbia with Victoria as its capital